Friday, December 29, 2017


I have heard so much about how hard people feel the first three Months of your baby's life are, not for  me. I know I was lucky my little did sleep well for the most part, she eat well and has been happy. Then the teething came! Teething is hell I just believe that she will go from being nicely asleep to screaming her heart out and nothing stops it, sadly not even having her nurse becuase a teething baby nursing is a living hell!! It was her nursing when in teething pain that made it clean that I will soon be done nursing, I don't know how women nurse though and pasted teething.

Monday, November 27, 2017

Really what is with people!

So I'm at the doctor with my mother, she is having other biopic on her breast. So it's a long wait knowing this I came ready to wait. Things to eat and drink, things for my little one to play with and work for me to do, becaus she will fall asleep and or play by her self and I can then work. So I find my self a place in the way back of the waiting room out of the way so she has room and so that when she wants to nurse it doesn't bother anyone. You see I'm not one to cover and I'm not one to go to the bathroom, but I do understand that it can bother some people so I do want I can with In What I feel is best but her.
You can tell I don't want to be bothered, everyone in the waiting room gets it they have said oh how sweet or cute the little one is and let it go and gone back to doing thier thing. All but this one older couple. The wife saw me when she first came in the husband didnt and had just found a sit by other people. But that sit was no good for the wife, you see at the time everyone else in the waiting room was black the wife didn't want to sit with them she made home get up and come sit by me. Then starts in on how to raise kids ok I get that everyone feels they need to tell a mother with a young child what they did no big deal. But then it starts the bull shit talk with saying things like those people. Talking about how ca they afored that phone, they most me on free health care that's how. It just pisses me off so much when people are like that, for so many reason  one becuase its just wrong! Two if it hadn't been for the goverment health care my mothers cancer wouldn't have been found because even with her working full time, but her work at the time being a small none profit, that paid ok but not where she could buy insurance and because of her age and what she made she couldn't get and of the health care before Obma care. So when I here people bitching about it it upsets me becuase its what saved my mothers life!
I don't care if your older or not acting in that way is not ok! Not wanting to sit by people becuase of the color of thier skin is so backwards it's sick!

Thursday, November 16, 2017

Learning to love the post baby body

I have to say the hardest part of having a new baby, in many ways has very little to nothing to do with the baby. This coming weekend my little girl will be 8 months old, I have gotten use to the crazy new hours, the teething, the trying to work around when she needs or wants something, I knew all of that was going to be.
But what I wasn't very clear on is just how much my body would change or how much I would be fine with it. Being ok with it is wired for me all on its own, you see I have never been fine with my body. I have always been on the plus size of things, as a teen and young adult I worked hard to be smaller and it was something that never really happened. Then in my late 20's when my life was a bit crazy with working full time school and my mothers health being in well, I ended up with IBS because adding to the crazy was planning a wedding, as the wedding came closer and closer I lost a lot of weight getting down to the smallest I had ever been and still I wasn't happen with my body. But here I am weighting more then I ever have before and I am happy with my body. I have thought a lot about why that is, I think its because other then when trying to find jeans to wear its something I don't think about. But when do think about it I think yes my body has changed because I grow a person and I'm still helping that person grow. There's something that, that has changed how I feel about myself how I look at my self. That being said yes I want to loss the "baby" weight but I'm not overly worried about when that happens, nor do I feel the need to try and make my body look as if I haven't had a baby.
I do know that many people think I'm wrong about that, all you have to do is look on line and you find so much about loss the baby weight fast get the body back. I think that's all bull shit!! This need to kill your self to try can get your body to look as if it has done what it has done. Yes I'm sure I could find more time to work out if I wanted to give up other things, for me I want to spend my time playing and holding my baby girl not working out, this time in her life isn't for long and the idea of missing things like rolling over, seeing her learning the new things that she does every day to be at the working out, to me I would be losing more then weight I would be losing this time that I can't get back.
I have heard it all on why I would be working to loss the weight from health to making my husband happy. The only reason I hear that doesn't just piss me off is health, as were the one that just makes me crazy is making my husband happy to that I have to say that's the most bull shit thing to say to a women. I shouldn't have to say that I'm lucky that my husband loves me for me not for how I look because that is how it should be but sadly I know that I'm lucky. I know women who's husband say mean things to them about the added weight, and its just so wrong. when you have a baby your body changes that should be seen as a bad thing it should be seen as a good thing! WE NEED TO STOP! this trying to make our bodies go back to per baby 100% and so fast, it takes time to grow a baby so it takes time to get our bodies even some what back to what it was.

Thursday, September 7, 2017

The Five W's of cloth wipes

If you are or going to be cloth diapering then cloth wipes maybe something that you'll want to do as well. There are a number of reason why you may find yourself wanting to know how to go about making your own cloth wipes. That is till you start thinking about how to do it and what does it take, but its truly a lot easier then you would think. I think that there are five things you need to know when making cloth wipes, that's it just 5. Why only 5 well because that's really all it takes but then most of all because as a mom you want things that are not only good for your family but that are fast easies and low cost. I have broken the 5 need to knows of cloth wipes for you.

But then you start thinking...

What do I need to make wipes?

- Container with lid
- Washcloths 48 or fabric to make wipes in the size you want ( I use baby washcloths that I picked up for $4.99 for 24 of them at Ross I find them to be the right size)
- Water ( Purified or boiled)
- Witch Hazel (12-16 oz)
- Essential oils ( Tea Tree, and Lavender are what I use)

What do I store wipes in?

- Container with lid and air whole or you can not close the lid all the way
you don't need to spend a lot of a container I picked up a food storage container at the Dollar Tree, it's the right size for my space but also for the 48 wipes that I make at a time.

What does it cost to make wipes?

the cost is about $3.50 a week, I'm sure your thinking that cant be right so here is the brake down
$1.50-$2.00 Witch Hazel ( its $1.oo for a 6oz bottle at the Dollar Tree $1.50 for a 16oz bottle at Wall-Mart)
 you are going to buy a bottle of Essential ones ever 6 months or lager because you are using about 6 drops or 10, so it ends up being a few cents for each time you make wipes
water if your using bottled water its going to be a little more you need two of them size 20 oz size ore you can boil water just let it cool before mixing

What do I do about cleaning the wipes?

this is really easy you wash them, that's right you just put them in the washer. (I just put mine in with the diapers washer and drier you don't get much easier) when they are clean you just put them in the bottom of the container under the unused ones

What do I do about taking them with me when I'm out and about?

you just put some of them in a Ziploc bag that's it!

                                    The Recipe

Mix in a 2 cup mixing cup
 6-8oz Witch Hazel
add 6-10 Essential oil
8oz water
pour over wipes in container then

mix remaining water and Witch Hazel and pour over wipes

that's it you have now made cloth wipes!!!

this will make wipes for about a week, you just add the dry wipes to the bottom as you wash them after use, when wipes in container no longer moist mix up more.

Thursday, August 31, 2017

Top Three reasons to cloth diaper

Yes you read that right I'm Cloth Diapering my little one. Now to a lot of people this seams crazy my mother in law, looked at me as if I was out of my mide when I said I would be doing this. Many friends have done the same as well others just know me and knew I would be. At first when I told my husband that we would be doing cloth diapers and not  disposable, he to gave me the look of why that's crazy. That is till I put the reasons out there, I think that it's important to talk about the reasons we choos to cloth diaper over using disposable diapers, now everyone is going to have thier own reasons.


1)  Eco friendly

It takes about 500 years for one disposable diaper to brake down in a landfill,
think about it most newborns will use about 90 diapers a week for the first few weeks. Yes they will start you use less but your still looking at a larger amount, of disposable diapers when you think about that a child is in diapers on average 2.5 years. Now yes you will use a bit more water however not that much, even if you are some where that has water issues there are ways to reduce the use of water by washing smaller loads, or hang drying the diapers, or something I do is add her clothes and other things in to the wash with her diapers. As well as I wash at off pike times like at night.

2) The cost!

now it's true cloth diapers can cost a lot it's all in what path of cloth diapering you want to go, however even if you are buying all new cloth diapers your going to be spendings round $100-$500 for a full  stash of diapers now that will be all the diapers you'll use the whole time the little one is in diapers, even using them for all your kids. Now if they are close in age you may end up needed to add to the stash. As with disposable diapers you will spend about $3000 or more a year, that's not even including disposable training pants that's only diapers. So it's a big cost savings. You can save even more if you make our own cloth diapers and that's something I have done as well as well as getting them on from the Wish and Home apps. You can even buy them used on Ebay, now that way I say to each their own, buying used underwear isn't by path. 
Now back to the water cost that's going to change depending on where you live, but for the most part it doesn't end up adding that much in cost. for my self it hasn't changed my over all bill more then a few cents and I do washing every day! Because yes you can have a lager stash and only wash every few days but for myself I cant stand having them siting around for more then the day.

3) Skin Issues!

 Now this was big concerning both myself and my husband have very sensitive skin. So the likelihood that our child would as well was high, and guess what she does!
Knowing this I don't want to even start with something that's full of chemicals, I want to use as many natural as I could.
But sadly I did end up using disposable diaper for the first few weeks after she was born, because the cloth ones I had were to big. I didn't really think that my little one would be right at 6lbs when she was born and a bit under when she was going home, and then that she would take some time to add weight. But in that time she had diaper rash very badly and that's when I added some smaller cloth diapers to my stash till she grew in to the ones I had made. However she is now almost six months old and we have been cloth diapering for about five months and not one rash that whole time.

For more info on the kinds of cloth diapers there are and ways to use them watch the video!

Have a GREAT DAY!!

Friday, June 23, 2017

Back to designing

I know that to most people in the USA taking three months off after having a baby is crazy because here that's a long time, however I do know that a l of country's women are able to take off a year or more and fathers get to take time as well. So when I tell people that no I'm not going back to my part time job and putting my child in day care, because let's just be  honest for me to pay for really good child care I and have money after that to make working  even close to profitable for me I would be working and you truly never spent any time with my new baby. 
 So when I say I haven't done any design work for three months its seen in a mixed way. But designing is my  passion in life however I have enjoyed spending this time with the new baby so I haven't had much energy or desire to want to do any designing. That is till now and she started to sleep more and started to have  a bit more independence,  well as much independence as a three month old can be, content to be in her bouncer things like that. Getting back to designing has been great going through the creative process thinking about what it is I wanted to schedule out my idea and now getting my dress form already so that's the right body size and take out what I want to design. Now th next step is to drap  going through the creative process thinking about what it is I wanted to schedule out my idea and now getting my dress form already so that's the right body size and take out what I want to design. Now the next step is to drap it,  I preferred to treat me that way I can change idea as I'm seen it come to life and I know what it is I want to change right a way versus a fat pattern-making.

Saturday, May 27, 2017

Postpartum Body

I don't truly understand the societies obsession  trying to bounce back as fast as possible to do a pre-baby body after the delivery of the baby. I for one find it to be an unrealistic expectation as well as an unhealthy one. You have done something  amazing by growing and giving life to a person, if your breastfeeding the  toll  That this puts on your body doesn't stop till you stop breastfeeding! We are told over and over how doing this is a miracle  and great thing but at the same time we are told to not let our selfs go and to do what ever we can to not look as if we have had a baby. Why is this? I for one don't want my per baby body back, because I'm not that same person so why would I want to tr and look as if I haven't changed. Now I'm not saying I don't want to loss some if not all the weight I put on but I don't  have a burning desire to try and do it absolutely as fast as I can or even to look exactly  the way I did before. I just want to make sure I'm healthy being a size 2 isn't the only way to be healthy is so much more then being  thin!

Saturday, April 29, 2017

Breastfeeding out and about

So a long with cloth diapering I'm also  exclusively breast-feeding. I'm someone that doesn't feel the need to find a room to hide in or but a cover over my baby when she is eating. This does at times get some looks, in the  grocery store I have had some  Extremely  shocked women walk by and talk to each other about it. At other times I have noted the looks of shock from other people when put. So today when in a clothing store when my little one wanted to eat I thought nothing of taking her out of her  stroller and feeding her, I knew I would get looks from some people as I always do but I have never had anyone come up and say anything to me, that is till today. So when a women walked by me and looked at me and looked as if she wanted to say something but kept walking I thought to my self ok this is going to be the first time that someone bitches at me for feeding my kid. But to my  surprise what the women had to say was nothing bad but she walked back to tell me keep it up that she has been breastfeeding for 16 months and that she feeds in  public and hasn't had anyone say anything but that she also doesn't see others doing the same, and that I need to keep it up. It was great that the first time someone says anything about me breastfeeding out in the open that it's nothing  negative but something positive words and  encouragement From one mother to another! It truly was a  encouragement and empowerment as some other women that weren't to happy with it looked on.

Sunday, April 16, 2017

Four weeks postpartum

so here I'm four weeks postpartum, and I have to say I think it's harder now then the first few days home with my little one. For many reasons this was the first full week that my husband was back at work, I truly valued and greatfull that he was able to be off work for almost a full three weeks. It not only gave him bonding time but did things like gave me time to shower use the restroom when our little one doesn't want to be put down because he could hold her, but with him back at work it's just me. It's been harder then I thought it would be now that his back, with the mix of not having someone to help and her being  extremely colicky meaning that I'm just completely exhaust. To top it off my in laws are coming this week to see the baby so at some point I need to clean the house, as it is I'm just  barely keeping up with Basic sensual laundry.
I truly don't know how women do this  completely alone, or the women that have to go back to work at this time or at the six week park. I'm hoping that in the next few weeks I'll be back to get back to doing some work for the shop because I have some great ideas for things. However right now the only thing I truly plan on doing is hoping to get some sleep now that the little one is  finally  Thank god asleep!!

Sunday, April 9, 2017

Halo swaddle

when my little girl was first born, I mean the day she was born she was ok with being swaddled but after that she was having none of it. She cried the whole time so till two days ago I had given up on the idea that swaddling would be a way to  calm her and help her sleep. However after her not really sleep for two nights and most of the day, I thought what the hell Im going to give swaddling other try hoping that it would work even fore a little bit and to my great surprises  it worked! It was great  during the day but for some reason it didn't work as well at night, I wasn't sure why really, I thought maybe it was that I couldn't get her swaddled tight after I changed her diaper at night, partly becuase I was so tired trying to do it. I had been swaddling her the "old" way meaning using a   Receiving blanket, in truth I thought that the swaddling blanket that had the  velcro were something I didn't need after all I know how to use a blanket flooded to swaddled. But at this point  I thought ok I'm giving I. And getting one hoping that it would help. I have to say the Halo sleep bag swaddled combo may be the best thing I have spent money on. Here is why the bag part has a zipper, that opens starting at the feet making it easy to change the diaper with out un doing the swaddle of the upper body. That's great because that means baby doesn't wake up all the way! Making it easy to change and feed and get her back to sleep in just a few minutes, meaning that I get to go back to sleep! Before using the Halo swaddled the only way that she would go back to sleep was on my chest with me holding her meaning I wasn't getting much sleep or good sleep because it was taking her along time to get back to sleep.

Thursday, April 6, 2017

Three weeks postpartum

 What a complete whirlwind the past 2 1/2 almost 3 weeks has been. I little girl was born and came home, I have to say nothing  truly prepares you for bringing a little one home that's definitely for sure.  Even with my husband having time off work and being here which I have to say has been great giving me the opportunity to as crazy it sounds leave her with someone and just step out for a few minutes and keep my bit of my sanity, along with my mother being here I have all the great blessings I truly do not understand how anyone can do this without help.  That being said I do know that I've had a relatively easy time with her, for the most part she's been sleeping through the night. I don't wake her to feed her if she wakes to eat then I know she's hungry and she wants to eat I am not someone that believes you should wake a baby to feed them if they're hungry they will weaken want to eat and when she wants to eat she eats.  However there have been a few nights where she is up and just doesn't want to sleep, however for the most part getting her back to sleep to be solved by her sleeping on my chest she just wants to be near and  held close, and I truly understand that after all the world is big and scary to her she's only been in it to an a half weeks being near me it's what she's known her entire existence. But the sleeping arrangement has been difficult for my husband I know because he's a very do everything by the book kind of person and all of the classes we took and books we read all are very against  Cosleeping for safety. However I do believe that cosleeping is in many ways much more natural at this age then to try and put them in a crib or bassinet and just let them cry. I did have a friend that came to visit I had a better week after she was born they did say something about well you know you don't have  to go to her all the time you can just let her cry, but to me I can't there is nothing more horrible for me to feel then to look at her crying and have a look of fear and anxiety and her face to me it is my job to comfort her and make her feel safe in this world so how  could I just let her cry until she exhaust yourself then she is  knowing anxiety and fear unnecessarily and I can't be the cause for that to start for her the world will do that enough to her now is the time for her to be comforted and that means I lose some sleep then that's the deal I made.

 For the first two weeks of her life my husband was home from work so it was really nice to not be alone and doing everything as well as it was great to see her bond with her daddy. The first day that he went back to work was a little hard I think mostly because she did miss having him here but that is the way that it has to be. Last night was the first night that she just would not go back to sleep no matter what so I was up with her because after all he was going up a very long day at work about a 16 hour day and I didn't want to make him try and stay up when if she's not going to go back to sleep she's not gonna go back to sleep no reason for both of us to completely lose sleep when I'm the one that's going to be home and have the opportunity to nap when she does,  so I got up and was up most of the night with her she's just had a growth spurt time wanting to eat and just be held every time I put her down she wake back up so I just set up and held her as she eat.  I read a lot and had a lot of people tell me oh swaddle her and she'll fall asleep, has continued to try swaddling her and for the most part she hates it she cries more and doesn't  sooth herself at all.  However luckily this afternoon
after a long night of very little sleep for both of us I decided to try swaddling her again and this time it comes her completely and put her right to sleep, I'm hoping that this is a new trend and that swaddling will be something that will work to help her rest and feel comforted without having to  be held all the time.  Not that I don't completely love and enjoy holding this little bundle of joy, but I do feel that it's good for her to be able to sleep without being held.

Sunday, March 26, 2017

Birth of my little girl

 Saturday March 18. I gave birth to what I have to say is the most  perfect little girl. It was a truly life changing  experience that's for sure, even more so then I thought it would be. I  decided to go "natural" meaning no epidural, after all all births are natural. Choosing to not have an epidural was something I knew I was going to do, but at the time that she was crowning I remember thinking why did I do this. Not just the no epidural but the whole birth thing, but the  moment she was put on my chest the fare and pain of giving her life  what's the place with the most sensational peace and love that  compares to nothing else in the world. As I looked at her for the first time I  began to cry not for sadness but of joy or over  whelming emotion of every kind.

Monday, February 20, 2017

Can't truly believe it

I truly have a hard time believing that I'm 35 weeks along qwith this little girl! It's seams as if time has just gone by so fast, up till now that is. I know that she will come when she is ready and that could be at any time now, and the waiting to meet her is what's killing me now!
However as much as I can hardly wait, something I'm so very over is everyone acting as if I need to have hounders of toys and things for her to do and play with. I get that some people feel like to have to have all that stuff but I don't, we don't plan to give her every toy that comes out, I believe in her not only playing out side and yes I know that's not going to be for sometime, but also that it's up to me and my husband to do things with her not just put a toy in front of her and hope that that will keep her happy. I just don't believe that kids or adults need to have as much stuff as other people think they need.