Saturday, May 27, 2017

Postpartum Body

I don't truly understand the societies obsession  trying to bounce back as fast as possible to do a pre-baby body after the delivery of the baby. I for one find it to be an unrealistic expectation as well as an unhealthy one. You have done something  amazing by growing and giving life to a person, if your breastfeeding the  toll  That this puts on your body doesn't stop till you stop breastfeeding! We are told over and over how doing this is a miracle  and great thing but at the same time we are told to not let our selfs go and to do what ever we can to not look as if we have had a baby. Why is this? I for one don't want my per baby body back, because I'm not that same person so why would I want to tr and look as if I haven't changed. Now I'm not saying I don't want to loss some if not all the weight I put on but I don't  have a burning desire to try and do it absolutely as fast as I can or even to look exactly  the way I did before. I just want to make sure I'm healthy being a size 2 isn't the only way to be healthy is so much more then being  thin!

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