Tuesday, March 17, 2015

Hot tea and chocolate end of day

Today like the past few days haven't really felt like they were off days for me, so I didn't go in to my "job" my retail one that is. But I finished up my draped jacket photos coming, put flags for the prayer flags that I'm putting together also photos to come use. Then I got out the weed eater and cut down most of my yard, wow the arms feel it now, I forget how heavy that thing is till I use it. Then I pulled out the spray paint and re-painted the tires that I have as a planter, so that I can re plant some flowers in them. And the chair for the meditation Garden, that I'm working on for my mother. So after I made dinner I thought what my day  needs to end it well it some cupcakes but not just any cupcakes mined you. I make chocolate mint, rum, fudge with chocolate cherry frosting along side of a hot cup of trash from the garden mint tea. But that's still not going to be e end of my day, still some Bead work to do on a skirt, then a hot bath and some more tea and why lie other cupcake, with a bit more bead work before I final call it a day. And don't forget puting this put too lol . It's day like this and the even busier ones that are to come that make me think of a saying I have heard my whole life, ( a man may work from Sunday to Sunday but a woman's work is never done) it's one off the many "old time" sayings I grow up with and in truth I find myself saying them and thinking about them more then I would trutly like to say. So with some more tea I'm off my list. But not with a look at the great cupcakes

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