There are a few ways that you can put in your hem. I'm going to be doing my hem using lace hem tape. Now this isn't really vingate however I really love doing hems this way. What's nice about it is that when you iron it the lace hem tape does shrink up a bit. Much in the same way that doing a running stitch in it to pull it up would do.
When putting in the hem tape I like to put it about a half inch from the raw edge of the skirt then after that is stitched on to the right side of the skirt I will turn the skirt inside out and Measure up the rest of the hem that I want to put in, then using that seam hand stitching that we used in the waist I'll stitch the hem tape to the skirt and its done.
Stitch lace hem tape 1/2inch from raw edge, on the right side of the skirt fabric.
Cut excess fabric, if it ravels then use pinking shears
Then turn lace hem tape to inside of skirt, Measure from the turned up edge of skirt to lace hem tape edge 1 inch
The hand stitch the lace hem tape to skirt
Then iron and skirt is done! Ready to wear and show off!
If you don't want to use hem tape of if its something you can't get here are the directions of other way of putting in the hem.
1) mark hem
If you have someone that can help you do this when you ae wearing the skirt it is best
2) take off skirt if you were wearing it first, then turn hem up .
3) put in hand basting stitches about 1/8 inch from the folded edge, then careful press hemline
4) measure hem width from the pressed edge, to about a 1 1/2 inches mark all the way around the skirt, then trim so that it's even.
5) machine-bast close to that cut edge, pin hem back up
6) pulling the machine basting ease in fullness, adjust the fullness evenly
7) finish the edge, you can use pinking shears, if your fabric ravels a lot, or you may want to hand-overcast, or use a small machine zigzagging right on cut edge
8) re-pin and press hem, then using the hand sewing that we used on the waist to stitch in hem, then after hem is all stitched in cut the hand-basting and pull it out, do one last press of the whole skirt.
9) wear and enjoy!!